Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Week1 - Created the Blogger Blog

This Blog is going to probably be the best blog of the class, I have never completed or even attempted a blog so it will be an interesting experience.

We will be as a class looking at various Internet sites and programs that will help us as teachers and our students learn together through information technology.

Information technology is constantly evolving and it is important that we introduce our kids to as many resources as possible. I can see how this blog can be a tremendous resource as it was extremely easy to set up and kids always enjoy typing and spending times on the computer.

The above two diagrams (Comic Strip and Mind Map) were created using Inspiration 8.0 IE, this piece of software is very interesting and could definitely be used in the school curriculum. I believe this software would best suit grade 4 and upwards.

You can create all kinds of diagrams, pictures, mind maps and in built templates that may suit any subject. The only negative to this software is the costs involved and with today's financial constraints that could prove to be a burden.

Another mind mapping tool called MindMiester can be used, this is a free Internet based software program and is very easy to use. A massive positive of this software is that two people can edit and chat to each other simultaneously while editing your mind map.

Thankyou for reading.....

Until next time
