Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Week 3 -Teaching Design Briefs and Online Games

Week 3 - Design Briefs and Online Games

This week we are looking at design briefs, first we explored the old and new systems of designing:

Before - Investigate, Design, Produce, Evaluate

After - Investigate/Design, Produce, Analyse/Evaluate

In the Ivestigation/Design stage you brainstorm ideas and think about how you can solve the problem

In the Production stage you create your response to the problem and then analyse/evaluate if it worked

An important aspect of the new system is to analyse as you go and if necessary go back to the investigate/design faze and change the design.

Above is an example of a design brief, it involves the new system described above

Online Games - www.quia.com/web

This website enables you to create your own quiz

The quiz I created is on Michael Jackson knowledge and can be viewed on the website below

This was extremely easy to use and can definantly be used in the classroom, it is importanrt however that you keep an eye on the kids to ensure there is no bullying going on during class


The next activity i worked on was to create a jumbled word quiz, I choose to do AFL teams and at first I thought it would be easy for students to get but after seeing it in action, it is harder than first thought

To access the jumbled word quiz see website below


Finally I created another activity, this time based in the Hangman format, to access the quiz see below website


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