Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Build your wild self & Sketch Swap

More online games and animations


Build your wild self is a fun quick animated activity, where students can create a cartoon type person. Students can make them human or half human and half animal

This is a webiste you can use to continue to give children ideas on how animations are completed and to flood them with ideas they can use in their own time, instead of just jumping on playstation games


Sketch swap is a cool website where you are able to freely sketch whatever you like and after you submit your sketch someone elses bounces back. There are some small regulations such as it must be an animation and writing must be in english for moderation purposes

There is a small issue with this webiste as you dont know what sketch is going to bounce back, Im still undecided whether or not I would use it in the classroom

This webiste would be fantastic for developing kids hand eye co ordination

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